Tip: Upgrade Your Hip Thrust

Strong glutes make your whole body stronger. Also, having a nice butt is, well, nice. Try this twist on the now-classic hip thrust.

What can be said at this point about hip thrusts that hasn't already been said by Bret Contreras? We're going to use the Smith machine here and do 3 sets of 15 reps with 3 second holds at the top.

The Smith Machine Hip Thrust

Load the bar up fairly light and really focus on getting a strong glute contraction through full hip extension. This exercise pays dividends if done lighter with a focus on mind-muscle connection. At the top of each rep, hold for 3 seconds.

One More Twist

Allow your toes to be off the floor so that your feet can turn outwards, aiding in external hip rotation, which is needed for a maximum glute contraction.